Dan, Me, Pac, Jimmy, Raquel leaving Fish Lake.
This butterfly was way pretty.

Found this lean-to on our walk. Wasn't able to get a picture of the front of it. I would have had to stand in the freezing cold water.

Dan standing by what we call the beaver lodge.

The whole beaver lodge.

View from the bench on our hike.

View from camp.

If it wasn't so cold we would have tubed. Jimmy's boat makes the perfect wake for it.

Jimmy's dog Pac on the boat.

The snow I was talking about. There were a few more on other mountains.

Pac on the boat again.

Dan on Jimmy's boat the day I got sick.

Dan's carving from previous years. He added 2009 and 2010.

The lake when we first got there. No one was on it. Really windy and cold.
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