Dan, Me, Pac, Jimmy, Raquel leaving Fish Lake.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Fish Lake Pictures.
Posted by DrgnDthsDaughter at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Fish Lake
On Wednesday July 16 we went camping with a bunch of friends. I guess the camping trip started out as just our friend and his dog and ended up with 11 people going. There was me, Dan, Jimmy, Mikey, Bobby, Brian, Ryan, Raquel, Gabby, Brittani, and Brittany and 3 dogs. When we got there it was late, cold, and windy. I guess the ice had only been off the lake for 3 weeks when we got there. A few of the tips of mountains still had a little bit of snow on them. In the morning they were wiping the frost/ice off the boats.
Thursday is when we started all the fishing. This was my first time ever on the boat and it was fun for a minute. This boat was just a 4 seat fishing boat. About as big as the aluminum ones that you can rent. It had a motor. Anyways when we went out it was windy and there were quite a few white caps on the lake. So the boat was rocking quite a bit. We were out there all day pretty much. Then the moment we started going to head back to camp I started getting sick. By the time we got back to camp I was ready to puke. I didn't think that I would get motion sickness but I did.
Friday I spent all day in the tent. I was still very sick. The smell of food was making me throw up. I couldn't move without feeling like I was going to throw up.
Saturday morning I was still a little sick. Not nearly as bad though. I was able to eat a apple. That made me feel a whole lot better. That was the day that I went on the pontoon. What a huge difference compaired to the little boat from the first day. I felt like I was in a car. Got a little nausous but only lasted like 2 seconds. I stayed on that boat all day. It was a little windy but not bad.
Sunday was when we packed up and went home. All of us got sun burned. Mine and Dan's noses are burned and same with our lips. Thats about it on us. Our buddy Jimmy looks like he is wearing a super man mask on his eyes. He didn't ever wear a hat or take his sun glasses off so he has coon eyes. Looks hilarious.
I have pictures. I'll post them in a whole new post since this one is so long.
Posted by DrgnDthsDaughter at 7:26 PM 0 comments