Saturday, August 8, 2009


So I had the worst migraine last night. It was so bad that I was throwing up! I haven't had a migraine that bad in a long time. I hate them. I think I'm going to have them checked out!

The guy that I was dating named John, well we aren't dating anymore! I had to watch the kids one night and we had planned for me to sleep over that night, but I slept over the night before. Anyways I took my roommates son to the zoo that day with my other friend for her work party. Well normally the zoo closes at 5pm but this night they left it open for us till 8. We didn't get home till 10 that night and I ended up watching the kids so my roommates could go out. Well he didn't believe me and thinks that I ditched him. So we aren't talking or dating anymore.

I found a new one that I've been dating his name is Chris! He lives up in Centerville and I'll tell you what. He's a keeper! He's such a sweet heart! The very very first day that we met in person was the day we went to the zoo. He had come with us. I think what is making me like him most is he is really really good with my roommates son! He'll one day be a good daddy! My roommates kid Aiden is in love with Chris! He gets so excited when he comes over! Well yesterday Chris took me to The Happy Sumo in Provo yesterday for Sushi! It was so good. We ate a total of 3 sushi rolls. I'm still trying to figure out why you can eat raw fish and it doesn't make you sick but any other raw meat makes you sick! Help me figure that out please. Well I have to go get ready Chris is coming over! YAY!!!!!!!!!